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There is nothing "natural" on the market today, that will replace or equal the synthetic analgesic &/or euphoric affects of Oxycodone. The only substitute for living a healthy, purposeful life is to simply quit!

When it comes to withdrawal, it is highly advisable to check into a detox program since withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous if your trying to go cold turkey vs. tapering off.

Withdrawal usually takes 2-4 weeks before any positive benefit from abstinence can be felt, depending on how much you were taking on a daily basis and for how long.

It is also imperative that you get into counseling and attend NA meetings in order to avoid the common pitfalls of relapse.

Opiate addiction is no laughing matter. Once you have been trapped in it's clutches, you'll unfortunately be susceptible to it's intoxicating allure for the remainder of your natural life... Good luck and may God bless you...

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You can't. Perhaps you did not know you were taking an oxycodone product.~ALSO if you paid attention to mythbusters, you would know that poppyseeds can create a positive result for opiates on a drug test. Oxycodone does not have products. Oxycodone IS AN opiate.

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What effect do each of these have on you individually not mixed? If the Oxycodone is prescribed, then the best person to answer this would be your doctor. If you are using it illegally, then get help with a substance abuse counselor.

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oxycodone is just pure heroine.....which is an opiate....

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What is the difference between Oxycodone and Oxycodone HCL?

The spelling.

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It is plain OXYCODONE

What is the active ingredient in oxycodone?

Oxycodone is the active ingredient .