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that is a terrible idea considering when they examine the specimen they will find the bleach and you may be taken prison for tampering with a specimen....

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Q: What would a urine specimen testing for marijuana detect if you put bleach in it.?
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A chickenpox antibody test will not detect marijuana. If you are having such a test for a pre-employment physical, drug testing may be part of the exam.

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no, it can only detect the alcohol

Does the scram ankle monitor detect marijuana?

The SCRAM ankle monitor is typically designed to detect alcohol consumption by analyzing the wearer's sweat. It is unlikely to specifically detect marijuana use, as cannabis metabolites are not typically measured by this device.

Does the SCRAM Bracelet detect marijuana use?

No, the SCRAM bracelet is designed to detect alcohol consumption through skin sweat. It does not detect drug use, including marijuana.

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If the test for this syndrome is a blood test then, maybe. A blood test will detect marijuana. A urine test will also detect marijuana.

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If you shave your head can you detect marijuana?

Yes, marijuana is detected in your blood stream system.

Can SCRAM device detect marijuana?

Most SCRAM devices are designed to detect alcohol consumption by measuring transdermal alcohol content through sweat. They are not specifically designed to detect marijuana use.

Can ssa deny benefits for testing positive for cocaine and marijuana?

sadly yes marijuana is the least harmful and the easiest to detect. ironicly coke, meth and morphine pills go right threw most drug testing. because they can be cleaned out of the body in 24 hours. in civilized america WA, and CO or any medical state with a prescription marijuana does not matter. the coke your screwed you should have had more water that night

Can a company take a urine sample tell you that they are testing for blood sugar and instead test for drugs such as Marijuana?

Yes they can. They can detect lots of other illegal drugs by taking urine samples too.

Does an ignition interlock detect marijuana use?

No. Interlock devices are designed to detect alcohol only.