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he liked to dance and sing and also model

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Eat banananaanananananananananananananas

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Q: What were Sir Alexander Flemings interests and hobbies?
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What is Alexanders Flemings inventions?

Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

What is Alexander flemings's hometown?

Sir Alexander Fleming was born at Lochfield. Lochfield is located near Darvel in Ayrshire, Scotland.

Who are sir Alexander flemings parents?

Sir Alexander Fleming's parents were Hugh Fleming, a farmer, and Grace Stirling Morton. Fleming was born in Lochfield, Scotland in 1881.

When did Sir Alexander Flemings father die?

Sir Alexander Fleming's father, Hugh Fleming, died when Alexander was just seven years old in 1895. His father's death had a significant impact on Fleming's upbringing and educational opportunities.

What were some of Alexander Mackenzie's hobbies?

Sir Mackenzie Bowell was an apprentice to a printer at the "INTELLIGENCER". He was also a journalist.

What was the independent variable in sir Alexander flemings experiment on penicillium What was the dependent?

In Alexander Fleming's experiment, the independent variable was the presence or absence of penicillium mold, which he introduced to the culture plates. The dependent variable was the growth or inhibition of bacterial colonies in the vicinity of the mold.

Discovered penicillin in 1928?

Sir Alexander Fleming.

What were Sir Isaac Newton's interests?

the interests of sir isaac newton were lights

What did sir Alexander Fleming do?

Sir Alexander Fleming worked in the fields of bacteriology and immunology. Sir Alexander Fleming is credited with the discovery of penicillin.

What were sir Isaac newton's hobbies?

Sir Isaac newton had many hobbies, but the two main ones are astronomy and alchemy

What were sir Peter Blakes hobbies?

his hobbies were of coures, sailing and yachting

In 1928 the Scottish biologist Sir Alexander Fleming discovered that the Penicillin mold was an effective antibiotic How did Flemings discovery most likely affect the history of the twentieth century?

Penicillin enabled millions of people to live longer, healthier lives.