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There is loss of potassium salts when you use diuretics.

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Q: What type of electrolyte imbalance can be caused by diuretics?
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It is not an electrolyte as such. It needs to have salts in it that conduct electricity in order to be a complete electrolyte.

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ecological imbalance is caused due to green house effect, acid rain, deforestation. The other causes are ^- gases which are emitted from the vechicles also causes a type of ecological imbalance in the sense that the harmful gases causes the ozone gases to get deplete... ^- The poisonous wastage which is being thrown in the near by river causes the marine animals to get distinct.... which is also a ecological imbalance...

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What type of electrolyte is sodium chloride?

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sometimes it can but it depends on the type of butteranother response:It is more likely that a heavy cake was caused by uneven oven temperature, imbalance of acidity / alkalinity, or the wrong type or amount of flour.

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An imbalance caused by contraction of the pectoralis minor muscle can result in a rounded shoulder position known as forward shoulder posture or kyphosis. Opposing muscles that might be affected by this contraction include the rhomboids and lower trapezius, which become lengthened and weakened, contributing to the postural imbalance.

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This depends on the type of psychologist you ask. Many will say a chemical imbalance in the brain, some will say childhood trauma, some might think that it's genetics.

What hormone causes you to get type 1 diabetes?

An imbalance of insulin.