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Answer2: After quitting smoking be motivated never to smoke again. Start walking 30 min every day for your body and mind. Exercise will help you sleep so good at night. This is a time to really make sure you have a very good diet, drink herbal teas, eat fresh fruit, buy an inexpensive magic bullet and make healthy juices. Buy lavender essential oil and put a few drops in bath water at night to sweat out nicotine and help yourself relax. The withdrawals and cravings will come, but they are temporary and will pass.

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7y ago
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15y ago

your live gets so wack. smoking pot is the greatest thing for anyone to be doing. no matter who you are. never quit. no matter what

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13y ago

Not much really most people aren't addicted. At worst you won't be hungry as much or have anxiety issues. But for most people nothing.

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Q: What to take after quiting smoking weed?
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How long does it take the body after quiting weed to go back to normal if you smoked for 6 to 7 years?

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Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed

Is smoking weed bad if you have gastritis?

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Can you take pain killers and smoke weed?

I do. I actually don't like to take pain killers without smoking weed.

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yes you take Prozac and ativan .

Can you take the taste out of moldy weed?

You don't smoke moldy weed. Smoking the mold could be really harmful .

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Does quiting smoking cause harm?

Quitting smoking does not cause harm. On the contrary you get to restore your health and live a more energetic life.

Weed smoking is bad for health?

Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits

How long will it take if you stop smoking weed to conceive?

There is no stats to support that smoking weed will stop you from conceiving. It's not a form of contraception. It's rumored to effect your sperm count, but this will still allow contraception.

Im 14 and i smoke weed once every 2 months does this harm my body im quiting the next time i do it?

At 14, smoking weed once every two months will not harm your body. However, it can harm your judgement and cause you to do things you might not normally do. It would be a good idea to quit and not do it the next time it is offered to you.

Can you get skinny from smokin weed?

No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed