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call for medical help or tell someone to do it for you right away or else serious injuries can cause or even death.

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Q: What to do when you swallowed medicine that says If swallowed get medical help?
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BECAUSE in a docters oath it says so! They say they will help anyone when needed and medicine is in the same division!

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The label on the Purell bottle says to call the Poison Control Center or get medical help right away if swallowed. Whether it can hurt or kill someone depends on many factors, e.g., how much was swallowed, the state of health of the person who swallowed it, the age and size of the person, if they have allergies to alcohol or other ingredients in the hand sanitizer, etc. It is intended only for external use. Children under 6 should be supervised when using it.

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no eat as much as you can even though the box says TOXIC!!!!!

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In the United States, the veterinary medical degree is either DVM or VMD depending upon which college of veterinary medicine you graduate from. This degree certifies the individual holding it has been trained and is qualified to provide medical services for animals. In the UK, a Bvm says that you can do veterinary medicine such as diagnostic work, however you cannot perform surgery until you complete the Bvs or Bvms

What specilty if says DO after doctors name?

"DO" is not a specialty . . . it means, "Doctor of Osteopathy". They are medical doctors who learn more about natural and wholistic medicine, including but not limited to the study of allergies and food sensitivities.

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You are talking about a medical abortion. Go to a clinic and they will help you.See related questions below.

What does physicke mean?

From the spelling, it is possible that you are looking for an older and perhaps obsolete meaning to this word. One such meaning is medicine or medical treatment. That's what Macbeth in Shakespeare's play of the same name means when he says "Throw physic to the dogs! I'll none of it."

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Yes, swallowing buckyballs can be harmful as they may cause blockages in the digestive tract. If ingested, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

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I can't find the name of this song it says he is sailing into the eye of the one thing that he fears the hurricane thunder breaks the silence at night capsized swallowed down he goes please help?

It's Capsized by Breathing Underwater, hope that helps!

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Tell her to stop because it is a form of drug abuse

Can you take motrin800 while breastfeeding?

depending on what your dr says but in my case i have 4 children and was put on the same dose and I and my child did just fine but like I said you will want to ok it with a medical profesional prior to taking the medicine