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Codeine is derived from opium as is morphine and heroin.

i take my drug test it showed codeine why?

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Q: What shows the same results as codeine on a drug test?
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You are on methadone and your drug test said you were positive for codeine you don't take codeine just vicodin I'm having trouble making them believe you what can you do?

The results show positive for codeine because methadone is in the same family. Show them your prescription for the methadone and tell them that this drug is in the same family and will show positive.

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Does hydrocodone and tramadol shoe same results in a urine drug test

Is dihydrocodeine the same thing as codeine?

no it isnt. codone is sort of a "suffix". its usually the end of a drug name, usually another opiate similar to codeine.

What drug shows up the same as Fentanyl on a drug screen?

Most likely it would be a general opiate test so any opiates that are in the persons body would come up with a positive. Believe it or not Alcohol shows up the same as fentanyl on drug tests. If you need to pass, tell them you had alcohol the night before or before you took the tests. the results appear the same.

Does oxycotin have codeine in it?

No, oxycodone does not have codeine in it. This drug is in Percocet (and others), which is a bit stronger than codeine. I don't know what prescription you (may) have, but often, the Percocet will also have aspirin or acetominophen (Tylenol) in it as well. This is called a "compound" drug because it has two different medications in it.

What does fiorinal with codeine show up on a drug test?

Tylenol 4 has 1 more grain ov Codeine than fiorinal. Drug test put both medicines in an opiate category. Tylenol 4 does not even contain 1 grain of has 1/2 of a grain.Fiorinol is not codeine at all but a barbiturate, same as tuinol,seconol,nimbutol,and tuinol.A total different class of drugs.They will show up as different class of drugs.The above info is incorrect

Will vicodin and codeine show up differently on a drug test?

no they are both opiates so they show up the same

Does Cheratussin DAC syrup show up the same on drug test as urinal with codeine?

Yes, Cheratussin-AC and -DAC both contain codeine and will cause a positive urine test for opiates.

Is lortab and tyl with codine the same and will it show up as the same thing on the drug test?

No, they are not. They both contain a narcotic analgesic combined with the nonnarcotic analgesic acetaminophen (Tylenol). Lortab contain hydrocodone and acetaminophen and Tylenol #3 contain codeine and acetaminophen. A drug test would screen for both codeine and hydrocodone.

When repeated exposure to the same dose of a drug results in a lesser effect this is called?

Drug habituation

Does codeine show as an opiate same as heroin in drug test?

Yes. Codeine is very similar to morphine, chemically. A small amount of codeine is converted by a patient's liver into morphine--usually about 10%. Its THIS small amount of morphine that give codeine its analgesic effect. So 30mg of codeine in a T3 tablet should produce the same effects as 3mg of morphine.

Will codeine show positive for oxycodone?

Codeine and Oxycodone are from the same family "OPIATES". Your urine test will show up as positive for opiates. The UA has no way to distinguish whether it is codeine or Oxycodone.