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it is an overdose, it can give your dog an infection internaly, dont do it

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Q: What should happen if a 15lb dog eats a 70 lb dog's dose of cephalexin?
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Is 100 mg of amoxicillen too much for a 15lb puppy?

The recommended dose for dogs is 5-10mg/pound every 12-24 hours.

Is there a difference between cephalexin for humans and canines?

nope. Cephalexin in human is used to treat inflammations and it is also used in dogs to treat inflammation. I was given Cephalexin when my throat was swollen. My dog was given the same for a swollen eye. Unless there's something different about the ingredients in the medication.

Is cephalexin ok fod dogs?

check this out with your vet. if the dog needs it then the vet will prescribe and give correct dosage

Can cephalexin 250mg be used to treat a small dogs ear infection?

Only if it was prescribed by the dog's veterinarian. Many human drugs are harmful to dogs and cats.

Why do dogs eat zinnias?

Dogs may eat zinnias out of curiosity or boredom, but zinnias are not toxic to dogs and should not cause harm if ingested in small amounts. However, it is best to discourage this behavior to prevent any potential gastrointestinal upset or other issues that may arise from eating non-food items.

What are the names of antibiotics for dogs?

There are many antibiotics that are used for dogs, ranging from amoxicillin to doxycycline to cephalexin. They are often similar to drugs used in humans, and in some cases are the same drug just formulated differently.

Should the state execute dogs that have bitten someone?

Most certainlly not! All dogs bite someone, usually at a young age. If that were to happen then the dogs would soon go extinct.

Why should dogs not have sugar?

bad for their heart and they could die.Do u want that to happen too ur dog?

When did Chariots of the Dogs happen?

Chariots of the Dogs happened in 2008.

When did C-Dogs happen?

C-Dogs happened in 1997.

Check out my YouTube Grass101 dog fights?

Whatever happens to the dogs should happen to YOU. Shame on you. GOD knows. Remember that.

What can you give your 15lb dog to calm her for hair cut?

What are your dogs favorite things? Try treats, toys, and distracting smells. Whatever the dogs really loves. Not helpful? Think about the 1st time the dog got her nails clipped or washed. What did you use to make her listen? No luck? Ask one of your friends who has a dog for her advice.