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How many pacemaker implants has the physician performed?What type of pacemaker will be implanted, univentricular or biventricular, and how many of the specific procedure has the physician performed?

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Q: What should a pacemaker implant patient know about his surgeon prior to surgery?
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What should a patient learn about his doctor prior to penile implant surgery?

Is the surgeon board certified?How many penile prosthesis procedures has the surgeon performed?What is the surgeon's complication rate?

How long is the hospital stay for a pacemaker implant patient?

Patients undergoing surgical pacemaker implantation usually stay in the hospital overnight.

Why is an intravenous line inserted into the vein of a patient prior to pacemaker implant surgery?

An intravenous (IV) line will also be inserted into a vein in the patient's arm before the procedure begins in case medication or blood products are required during the insertion.

What is the daily life of a surgeOn?

surgery, surgery, and more surgery. checking on the patient that performed surgery on.

How can one become a breast implant surgeon?

In order to become a breast implant surgeon, one would need to attend college to earn your PhD and specialize in plastic surgery. Then one would need to become board certified in order to practice as a breast implant surgeon.

How safe is face plastic surgery?

"Face plastic surgery is generally a safe procedure. To ensure safety, it is important for the patient to seek out a board certified plastic surgeon. However, while face plastic surgery may be relatively safe, it is still an imperfect procedure that often leads to results the patient was not expecting, such as an unnatural looking cheek implant."

What is the aftercare for cochlear implant surgery?

The patient remains in the hospital for a day or two.After a month.the patient returns to the implant clinic to be fitted with.(the speech processor, microphone, and transmitter).The patient is then trained in how to interpret the sounds.

Where does a brain surgeon make the most money?

From out-patient surgery centers!

What should a parathyroidectomy patient ask his surgeon about his qualifications?

What type of physician performs the surgery?Is the surgeon board certified in head and neck surgery?How many parathyroidectomy procedures has the surgeon performed?What is the surgeon's complication rate?

How stressful is it being a plastic surgeon?

Being a plastic surgeon is very stressful, because of the complications of the patient. But soon after it is a relief after the patient has recovered and has succeeded on there surgery!:)

Where is penile implant surgery performed?

The procedure is performed in a hospital with the patient under general anesthesia.

Where can one buy a pacemaker?

Pacemakers are bought from medical manufactures by the doctor or hospital where the implantation surgery will take place. A patient would not be able to purchase a pacemaker on his/her own.