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not a scheduled drug

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Q: What schedule is welbutrin?
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yes..i was prescribed and am taking celexa, welbutrin, and concerta all together celexa and welbutrin for depression concerta for adhd...

How well does Welbutrin treat ADD?

Quite well. Coupled with other interventions, Welbutrin is often effective. You must consult a physician is order to get a prescription.

Can trileptal and Wellbutrin be taken together?

Can Welbutrin and tenuate be taken together. I have been on Welbutrin for years for depression. Now a doctor put me on tenuate to lose weight.

Is Welbutrin or Strattera more successful in treating a 12-year old child?

Strattera is specifically for ADD. I wouldn't take the Welbutrin for the ADD. Right church, wrong pew.

What cold medicine can you take if you are on welbutrin?

facebook and twitter lol

Is it okay to take prescribed xanax 1 mg with welbutrin?


What causes more weight loss statterra or welbutrin?

Welbutrin MAY help you loose weight. Welbutrin does not change the chemical make up of your body's fat cells, and it not increase your metabolism. It represses your thoughs of eating for comfort, allows you to pay more attention to the signals in your brain that say "Hey! I'm full". This especially helps people that overeat due to "food addiction" (The constant need to eat all the time to make yourself feel better.) Welbutrin is not approved to be perscribed for weight loss alone. I is approved for people to over-eat when they feel upset, or lonely, of have nothing to do. Welbutrin breaks the behaviors that lead to over eating.

How do you stop Wellbutrin XL and start Lexapro?

I recently switched from Cymbalta to Welbutrin. Cymbalta is similar to Lexapro. I started the transition by halving my Cymbalta dose while starting Welbutrin. This went on for a week, then I discontinued the Cymbalta and took only Welbutrin. Of course, the best answer to this question is to follow your doctor's orders.

What drug used as an anti- depression and tobacco cessation?

Bupropion (trade-name: Welbutrin).