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Some products for which Australia is famous are:

  • wool
  • wheat
  • opals
  • Akubra hats
  • Vegemite
  • thongs (rubber footwear known as "flip flops" overseas)
  • black box recorder (a safety device in all aeroplanes)
  • Ugg boots
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Q: What products is Australia famous for?
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What are some products made in Australia?

There are a number of products made in Australia Some of these products include Ugg Boots, certain Cadbury Chocolate products, and aboriginal art.

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Approximately two thirds of Australia's agricultural products are exported. Some products which Australia exports include beef, wheat, milk, fruit and nuts, and vegetables.

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Australia's most famous inselberg, or monolith, is Uluru, or Ayers Rock, in central Australia.

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