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Q: What problems did opium cause for people in china?
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What kind of problems did opium cause in china?

The opium war mainly began because of the British and China having an opium trade for tea. The British would get there tea if China got there opium. but the cause of the war was that china wouldn't accept opium anymore, and the british wern't okay with that.

What problem did opium cause the people of china?

hi sexy humper

What problem did opium cause for the people of China?

hi sexy humper

What was the cause the opium war?

China and Britain traded opium, Britain go the opium from south India, Chinese people were getting onto this drug and so China tried to stopped all trade with Britain. China also tried to get rid of most of the opium but failed, china hurt Britain's economy and Britain attacked china's navy but china ended up losing because Britain went through the Industrial Revolution so they had better weapons that could reload faster and fire farther

What events led to the opium war?

he opium war was started by the british people selling opium to the Chinese people for their goods. The emporer of china was angry because of all of the people always on opium so he made it illegal to sell or buy opium. When Britain kept selling the opium illegaly, that's what started the war. heroin addicts.

What affect did the drug opium have on the Chinese people?

- Britain traded Indian opium for Chinese tea - Chinese people became addicted to opium - China made it illegal ad asked British to stop trade - Britain said no - China loses opium war - Because Britain has modernized weapons

What product did the British finally find the chinese people would buy and what problems did it cause?

Britain sold opium to China in return for the many Chinese commodities the British people craved as an alternative to using silver as a medium of exchange. The British had no domestic source of silver, whereas opium from Northeast India was available cheaply in large quantities from the British East India Company.

How many people in China were addicted to Opium?

12 million people :))

How did Britain seek to correct it's balance of trade with China?

selling opium

What company began trading opium to china?

I think you meant to ask: What country began trading opium with china? The answer to that is: England. They trade opium with china in return for tea.

What led to conflict between Great Britain and China in the mid-19th century?

Great Britain would not stop its merchants from selling opium in China.

Why were the British eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.