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There is no pill to take for this. You may need about 30 days for all traces of marijuana to filter through and out of your body.

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Q: What pill should I take to remove marijuna from my body?
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Which one gets in your system faster The NuvaRing or the pill?

The Nuva Ring should get into the body quicker than the pill. Both the Nuve Ring and the pill are types of birth control.

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This depends on your system and how fast the pill disolves and your body absorbs it. Even so a pill should be in your system in 15-30 minutes.

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I was supposed to start my period on Sunday but I started the pill before I started bleeding?

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If you've been taking the pill about a week & a half, you should be all right because the hormones are already in your body.

You are on the pill and got your period ealry now when you should get it your not. Whats going on?

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Does the pill effect your cycle?

Yes. Basically it overrides your body chemistry through the hormones in the pill.

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How long should you take the pill before trying to get pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant then you should not take the pill at all.