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My grandfather and grandmother wear hearing aids. They are in the upper 80's and can barely hear without them. I believe it is quite typical of older people to wear hearing aids to hear well. Otherwise they are missing out on a lot of conversations.

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12y ago

Mostly old people so they can hear but just not old people wear hearing aids there are alot of people in this world that wear them

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What do deaf people wear on there ears?

Deaf people often wear devices called hearing aids on their ears. Hearing aids help amplify sounds, making it easier for them to hear and communicate. If you need more information or a hearing aid, you can visit clinics like Ear Solutions for free hearing tests and trials.

Who are some famous people with hearing aids?

There are many famous people that wear hearing aids. Some of these people include Whoopi Goldberg, Huey Lewis, Chris Colwill, as well as Pete Townshend.

Did Michael Jackson wear hearing aids?

No he didn't.

Does Bobby Flay wear hearing aids?

No. He wears an ear piece so that people off air can communicate with him. Yes he does wear a hearing aid he is deaf he lost his hearing in a high school accident.........

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They aren't 'hearing aids' in the normal sense. They are aids to 'hearing' the pitch of the music whilst singing. Urs also wears them, although David and Carlos do not.

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No, you can't use hearing aids to pass a DOT medical exam.

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Does Gordon Ramsay wear hearing aids?

No they are microphones for relaying instructions

If a person has total hearing loss in one ear and the other ear is normal what is the percentage of disability?

I am 50 years old and have no hearing in one ear and normal hearing in the other since birth. I wear no hearing aids and have never experienced any abnormal disabilities. I talk fine and my hearing is fine.

Is it true that Scorpios tend to have hearing problems?

I've read something about that, and my Scorpio grandmother had to wear hearing aids.

Who needs hearing aids?

for people at older ages thats hearing isnt very well or they were born with where they cant hear well but it is usually what old people where you dont see young people wearing them but older peoples hearing isnt good so they have to wear them

Does Bill Clinton wear hearing aids in both ears?

The answer is yes, Bill Clinton wears two hearing instruments. During his second term as president he was fitted with two Siemens Signia hearing aids.