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Q: What percent of kids kill themselves because of drugs?
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What percent of kids do drugs?

About 87% of kids do drugs

How do you know your kids are on drugs?

You know your kids are on drugs because drugs cause predictable and recognizable changes in their personalities.

Should junior high and high schools randomly drug test their athletes?

i personally think so because of how many kids do drugs and need help stopping. it is helpful to the kids and adults. if you or someone you know is doing drugs, then get some help from a trusted adult (preferably one not on drugs themselves.).

How many kids do drugs in the us?

A lot less then everyone thinks. Yes, there are kids that do them but there are also kids that don't. And just because some kids do drugs that doesn't mean all kids do. I don't and I'm a Teen.

How many kids who smoke will end up using drugs like cocaine?

The majority of kids that smoke will not turn to harder drugs. These kids will usually switch to just drinking then smoking, then just drinking. A small amount kids move on to harder drugs, not because of the weed, but because of their mental states (genetics or substance).

Why do kids make fun of other kids because they don't have a phone?

Because those kids are a**holes and will be criminals and only care about themselves

Why do they use kids for child labor?

Because they are kids. You can push them around and they will be to scared to stand up for themselves. Plus, adults are to lazy to do things themselves.

Why do people continue to use drugs?

people keep using drugs because there's nicotine in them, and other people get both kids and adults to use drugs.

Why do people want kids to drink drugs?

cause they drank drugs when they were kids.

Is the ela hard for kids?

It is hard for most kids because it needs expressing themselves but for others, it is simple.

Why do kids buy and sell drugs at school?

because, they wan tto look kool and also live in Alamo Answer: Kids sell drugs because they want to. Drugs are a form of relief for kids and yes it is fun. And no jerk... it's not about looking cool, it's about the money and the tingling you get when your high. Kids like that feeling, it's calming and at times relaxing. It just makes you feel nothing is important.

Are drugs good for kids?

drugs are bad for kids they can kill you so never do drugs with drugs you can end up in prison get killed and many other bad things but with out drugs you can be healthy can get a good job and have a better future so dont do drugs kids