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Constipation, flu, measles, early stages of AIDS, burns, superficial wounds, dermatological conditions, peptic ulcers, colitis, Diabetes, Arthritis, prevents kidney stones, studies are investigating uses in treating cancer.

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Q: What part of aloe is used to treat illnesses?
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Which plants are used to treat burns?


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All about aloe vera?

Aloe Vera is a cultivated succulent plant. The close related species are in northern Africa. The Aloe Vera plant can grow to b about 24-39 inches tall. The plant is often used to treat burns in alternative medicine. The Aloe Vera is also used in cosmetics. The most common form of Aloe vers sold to consumers is in the form of gel.

What are ten examples of medicinal plants and their common uses?

Aloe Vera - Aloe is a common plant. Aloe vera gel is used to treat burnsBasil - A common garden herb. Used to treat stomach cramps, constipation and flatulence.Calendula (AKA pot marigold) - Is anti-septic and is used to treat wounds as well as added to a lotion to treat chapped skin.Dill - found in most herb gardens.A decoction of dill is used to treat stomach upsets, insomnia,and flatulence.Echinacea - (AKA purple cone flower) Used as an immune system support.Feverfew - a small daisy like plant that is used in the treatment of migraines.Ginger - used to treat motion sicknessHops - used to treat anxiety and insomniaIrish moss - a form of seaweed - is used in treatment of coughs and ulcers. It is currently being studied as a treatment for influenza B and mumps because it is anti-viral.Joe Pye Weed - (AKA gravel root) used to treat kidney stones.

How do you reduce sunburn swelling?

Aloe vera is typically used to treat a sunburn, but if your burn is serious, you should visit a doctor.

Which part of the Jalap plkant was used as medicine?

the tuberous root

How electricity is made from Aloe vera plant?

Aloe Vera is a house hold plant that can be put on a burn cause by electricity, heat, light or friction. This plant can be used to treat these skin affections and it reduces inflammation

What essential oils can be used to treat sun damage?

Equal parts of lavender hydrosol and aloe vera liquid sprayed on to the skin is both soothing and healing.

How is Aloe Vera similar to manufactured medicines?

Aloe Vera is not similar to manufactured medicines as it is a natural supplement extract used in cosmetics, topical creams or lotions and herbal medicine for its rejuvenating or healing properties. Information is very scarce on the actual medicinal benefits of Aloe Vera but it has been used as part of alternative medicine for many years.

What can be used to stop the itching from burns?

You can use a lotion that contains Aloe or Aloe Extract.

When can acupressure be used?

can be used as part of a Chinese physician's prescription, as a session of massage therapy, or as a self-treatment for common aches and illnesses.