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Q: What nacotic is made from the opium poppy?
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Crude opium is obtained from which part of the opium poppy?

Crude opium is made of the opium poppy's latex. This latex is obtained by cutting the unripe pod of the plant.

A dangerous depressant drug made from opium poppy?

the drug made from poppy juice is opium you can run the plant through a juicer and let it evaperate and then you have a smokeable shootable drinkable tar.....

What is opium poppy?

The opium poppy is a type of plant in which opium and poppy seeds come from. Opium is where many narcotics like morphine, are taken from.

Does opium come from opium poppy's?

Yes, oxycodone does indeed come from the opium poppy plant. The opium alkaloid, thebaine, is extracted from the opium latex. It is then refined in a lab until it is made into Oxycodone.

Do all poppies contain opium?

No. There are many poppy species, but opium referrers to the substance collected from one species (Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy).

What is a habit forming narcotic made from the poppy plant?


What is the painkiller for opium poppy?

The active ingredient in opium poppy sap is morphine.

Do poppy leaf parts contain opium and how much?

It is the poppy flower which contains opium, not the poppy leaves.

What drug is made from poppy seeds?

opium Using poppy seeds in foods such as bagels, etc are now not counted by your doctor as opiate use due to the level of result from a urine/lab test (from a gas chromatograph). Unfortunately, large use such as the "poppy seed, pineapple juice with bromalain formula" will test as morphine use. This will elininate you from any opiod regime your doctor is treating you with!

Is marijuana made from poppy seeds?

No, marijuana is its own plant. You may be thinking of opium, which is derived from the sap of the poppy plant.

What type of drug is made from the poppy is a prescrption medicine and relieves pain?

Opium is made from the latex of a specific species of poppy, Papaver somniferum. Opium can be purified and/or chemically modified to produce a wide variety of narcotic drugs, including morphine, codeine, and heroin.

Does heroin come from a plant or is it made in a lab?

Both. It originates as opium from opium poppies, which is then refined using chemicals into morphine. Morphine can then be further refined and condenced with a final result of much more effective heroin.