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Steroid use will decrease the bodys production and wil cause the tissues that create steroids to atrophy. An abrupt stop in using steroids will result in adrenal insuffiency as the now atrophied tissues are unable to produce endogenous steroids to meet the bodys demands.

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Q: What medication prescribed for a 9 year old is most likely to cause adrenal insufficiency?
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Can cat tape worm medication make people sick or kill them?

Although I do not know if cat tape worm medication can kill you, it is very likely to make you sick. The common rule is this: don't take medication that is prescribed for someone else. So don't take any medicine that is meant for your cat!

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This is dependent upon the drug. If the medication is a controlled substance then no. If it is a medication with side effects that are harmful and need regular monitoring then likely not. There are very few medications, except maybe thyroid and diabetic medicines, that are prescribed for much more than a month.

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Once a medication expires, there is no guarantee of potency of that medication. The manufacturer has set the expiration date listed because they have determined that the medication will not have biologically degraded (if stored properly) prior to that date. After that, it is likely that the drug will begin to naturally break down. Degredation rate will likely be increased if stored for any period of time in warm, light, and/or wet environments. It is best to talk to a physican about getting a new prescription for your medication or having another medication prescribed if finances are an issue. Conditions such as anxiety/depression will be inadequately treated if your medication has not maintained its potency, and this could lead to very undesirable side effects for you.

Example of a context clue?

A context clue is a hint or information found within the text surrounding an unfamiliar word that helps to understand its meaning. For example, in the sentence "The doctor prescribed an antihistamine for her allergies," the word "prescribed" helps you infer that an antihistamine is likely a type of medication.

How long after the expiration date is Lexapro still effective?

Once a medication expires, there is no guarantee of potency of that medication. The manufacturer has set the expiration date listed because they have determined that the medication will not have biologically degraded (if stored properly) prior to that date. After that, it is likely that the drug will begin to naturally break down. Degredation rate will likely be increased if stored for any period of time in warm, light, and/or wet environments. It is best to talk to a physican about getting a new prescription for your medication or having another medication prescribed if finances are an issue. Conditions such as anxiety/depression will be inadequately treated if your medication has not maintained its potency, and this could lead to very undesirable side effects for you.

I take clonazapam 0.25 is it okay to take a Valium if my presciption of clonazapam has ran out?

You need to consult your physician or a pharmacist. The answer is likely to depend on (1) the reason why you were prescribed clonazepam and (2) what other medication you are taking. Even if the answer is yes, there's still the question of the dose.

How old do you have to be to get prescribed to Xanax?

they should give it to if u have all the symptoms like me but the scyciatrist wont listen to u so u have to speak over him/her to get what u need to medicated to

Your 8 year old daughter has to take movicol half sachets for constipation she has had a rash on her back that gets very itchy is this a side effect?

Yes, it is a side effect. But more likely, it's a mild to moderate allergic reaction to the medication. In any case, this should be reported to the prescribing doctor immediately, and if it is an allergic reaction, the medication should be stopped (in fact, you should stop it until you get the doctor), and a new medication should be prescribed. Note this medication for future medical history reports with other doctors.

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It is possible to get pregnant with PCOS without the use of fertility drugs. You may be prescribed Metformin (a diabetes medication, not fertility drug) to help regulate your blood sugar and balance your hormones, causing more regular cycles.

What are the pros to medication errors?

There are likely no pros to medication error other than one possible result. Errors may cause better accountability and care in dispensing the medication.

Removing gland d would most likely result in?

If gland D refers to an important endocrine gland such as the thyroid, parathyroid, or adrenal gland, removal could result in hormone imbalances, metabolic issues, and the need for lifelong medication. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management post-removal.