

Best Answer

Euthasol, which is a medicine the is preferably inserted in the veins 4 a quicker effect. Itz a painless procedure becuz the med iz painless. It simply "putz the dog in a peaceful sleep". Itz a painful decizion but a painless procedure. It simply takez 5 minz at mozt 2 work becuz it workz almozt inztantly.

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Q: What medication is use in animal euthanasia?
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Why does Islam oppose animal euthanasia and why does Christianity agree to it?

Islam oppose animal euthanasia only when there is no reason.

What are the disadvantages of animal euthanasia?

There are several disadvantages of animal euthanasia. A couple of disadvantages are: consent due to pressure of financial worries and morals.

Who started animal euthanasia and why?

Euthanasia is a Greek word meaning good death (about 400 BC). Euthanasia is intended to prevent suffering.

What are all the reasons for animal euthanasia?

There are many reasons for euthanasia. Some of these reasons include: if the animal no longer has quality of life and is unable to function at a normal level, if the animal has an illness that is terminal and untreatable, if the owners do not have the money for treatment and if the animal is unwanted. These are all reasons for euthanasia.

If human euthanasia is illegal then why is animal euthanasia legal?

Animals do not have the same legal rights as humans.

How do you obtain a euthanasia certificate in Colorado?

For animal welfare and euthanasia see the related link below for information.

Euthanasia is good?

Euthanasia is something that is used when an animal is very ill and its quality of life would be very poor. Euthanasia is a good thing when it is used that way.

Is euthanasia legal in Montana?

yes, but it is not called euthanasia, its is known as Physician Aid in Dying or PAD. Where the dose of medication, provided by a Physician is administered by the Patient not the Physician.

Most common type of Animal euthanasia?

stray dogs and cats :( if you mean method, then they usually use lethal injections

What are examples of ethical issues?

abortion euthanasia animal rights v medical testing

How do you use euthanasia in a sentence?

Euthanasia is illegal in the United States.

Is animal euthanasia good?

No. Animal euthanasia is not good and is wrong. Here are some reasons why: Animal euthanasia is not natural. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to find new cures. Animals should be cared for until they die naturally. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to actually care for the animals. We shouldn't TAKE the life of an animal. Think about this: if you were to euthanize a suffering animal (due to the cost of a cure for example) did you really love it? Because if you did, would you kill it or care for it? And you never know, your care could result in a healthy, loving pet.