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Q: What liquid makes you go to sleep when inhaled?
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five of them are yawn, hypnosis, spore, sleep powder and sing

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makes you go to sleep and eat a lot of food

What is a pressure spot on the human body that makes you fall asleep?

your mind trigers your eyes to close when u are feeling lazy but if u are fully wake feel fit u wont want to go to sleep also anouther thing that makes u go to sleep is if its night time and your lieing down makes u go to sleep if u dont want to just dont close your eyes

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its called darkrai and its a legendary Pokemon who makes pplz/pokemons go to sleep

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1 am to teel u the truth my bro makes me go to sleep at 9 pm , now i am so used to it on the weekends i can't stay awake after 12

What path does inhaled air go through?

your nose

Why when you go to sleep you forget to go to sleep?

you don't go to sleep

On poptropica What do you need to defear the 3 dogs?

You get the flute and play the song that makes the dogs go to sleep.

What does moemoe mean in hawaiian?

Go to sleep or sleep time...... Go moemoe= go to bed\go to sleep