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Its not a pill but it is close. There are laxative teas that you can make yourself that have sleepy effects, the ingredients are also used in tranquilizer.

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Q: What kind of organic pills can you take to sleep better?
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Unless your taking a lot, and i mean A LOT, of pills you don't have to take them apart. They don't interfere with each others working at all. I would recommend eating something with both kind of pills, this is better for your stomach, and the pills will digest better.

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sorry to tell you, but NONE will do, exercise and eating healthy are your only options to lose weight.

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Your doctor will most likely prescribe some sleeping pills. In addition, you could try some home remedies such as a glass of hot milk, and avoiding heavy mental or physical exertion just before sleep.

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This is a very disturbing and difficult question. Please consult your doctor as soon as convenient and discuss why you have raised this question.

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3 pills