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Road island red feed

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Q: What kind of chicken feed has Sudafed in it?
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Related questions

How do you make meth out of Sudafed?

You don't. Its illegal. Take Sudafed for your cold and make some chicken soup.

How do you extract ephedrine from chicken feed?

The rumor that you can extract ephedrine from chicken feed is an urban legend. There are no chicken feed manufacturers that add ephedrine to their chicken feed.

Can you feed chickens celery?

Yes a chicken can eat any kind of vegetable u wish to give the chicken and it is healthy for them

Can a 7 week old puppy eat chicken and rice?

feed it and find out

How do you dielver the feed in poptropica?

First you take the chicken and then the feed then take the chicken back and then the fox then the chicken.

How do you get the chicken a crosed noobiti?

first bring the chicken then the feed for the chicken but when you bring the feed bring the chicken back then bring the fox the the chicken last

How do you get everything across the zip line in opoptropica?

first you take the chicken then you go back to the feed and wolf after that take the feed to the chicken the take the chicken with you back to the wolf and take the wolf to the feed then take the chicken to the wolf and feed

Is it safe to feed a dog a chicken that is alive?

Is it safe to feed your dog a chicken that is alive?

Maize as a Food of chicken?

Chicken feed does have corn in it.

What do Australian chicken eat?

Australian chicken feed

Can you feed chikens bananas?

No. Bugs or chicken feed.

How do you past the feed on poptropica?

It is in Nabooti. 1) Bring the chicken over to the other side. 2) Bring the feed over to where the chicken is. 3) Bring the chicken back. 4) Bring the fox to where the feed is. Lastly, Bring the chicken back to where the feed and the fox are. *I hope this will help you.*