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The recommended vaccination schedule is set up to get children protected from diseases either most commonly contracted around a certain age or that are the most dangerous around a certain age. By vaccinating before they enter these danger-windows, children have significantly lower risks of getting ill.

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12y ago

It's usually the triple vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella.

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Q: What is vaccination programme for infants?
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Why is smallpox now an extinct illness?

Because of vaccination programme

What are two disease that infants may be immunized against?

the vaccination that most babies get is the MMR jab- measles, mumps and rubella

What has the author Sheila Davey written?

Sheila Davey has written: 'State of the world's vaccines and immunization' -- subject(s): Child, Children, Communicable Disease Control, Communicable diseases in children, Developing countries, Government policy, Health and hygiene, Immunization Programs, Immunization of children, International cooperation, Medical policy, Organization & administration, Planning, Prevention, Vaccination, Vaccination of children, Vaccination of infants, Vaccines

What is an synonym for vaccination?

A synonym for vaccination is inoculation.

How much is a vaccination?

A vaccination costs about $433,000,000.

How is pulse polio vaccine is given?

In pulse polio programme, polio vaccine is given to all the children below the age of 5 years irrespective of there vaccination schedule, all at a time. This will reduce the burden of polio virus in society drastically.

How many children are vaccinated for whooping cough?

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children receive multiple doses of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine as part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule. This includes the DTaP vaccine for infants and young children, and the Tdap vaccine for older children and adolescents. Vaccination coverage rates may vary by region and population.

Is 'vaccinate' a verb?

No. The word vaccination is a noun

When was Vaccination Records created?

Vaccination Records was created in 1992.

Are vaccination report available?

yes a vaccination report available

Do you need vaccination to travel to Turkey?

You dont need any vaccination to travel to Turkey. Also there is not any mandotary vaccination.

How quickly does the H1N1 vaccine protect you from H1N1?

In 8 to 10 days after the vaccination in healthy adults and children over 10 years old who have mature immune systems. It takes children, under age 10 down to infants 6 months old, longer because they need a second "booster" about a month after the first vaccination. They need two due to their weaker immune responses from their immature immune systems. They should be fully immune after another couple of weeks past the second vaccination. Infants under 6 months old can not take vaccinations yet, the only defenses they will have during that period are those acquired from their mother's milk and that is why parents are advised not to take them out in public unnecessarily where they can be exposed to pathogens until they are at least 6 months old.