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Q: What is the term for the excess secretion of growth hormone that cause acromegaly and gigantism?
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What is wrong with a person who has gigantism or acromegaly?

A person with gigantism or acromegaly has an excess amount of growth hormone, and grows too much, which not only makes that person very tall, but also somewhat distorts their body proportions.

What anterior pituitary hormone is associated with dwarfism gigantism and acromegaly?

Growth hormone is produced and released by the anterior pituitary. Excess early in life can produce gigantism, deficiency can cause dwarfism. Later in life, excess causes acromegaly.I'm looking for this same answer and just found it!:growth-hormone deficiency

What is the term for abnormal increase in height due to an excess of growth hormone?

The term for abnormal increase in height due to an excess of growth hormone is gigantism. This condition usually occurs before puberty when the growth plates are still open, resulting in excessive growth of the long bones.

How does a person inherit gigantism?

Gigantism is abnormally large growth due to an excess of growth hormone during childhood, before the bone growth plates have closed.

Why is the growth hormone suppression test used?

The growth hormone suppression test is used to diagnose conditions like acromegaly and gigantism by measuring the body's response to a glucose challenge and monitoring the levels of growth hormone before and after. It helps determine if excess growth hormone is being produced by the pituitary gland.

What hormones are in Lantern jaw and large hands and feet in adult?

Lantern jaw and large hands and feet in adults can be characteristic of acromegaly, a hormonal disorder caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) production in adulthood. This condition is usually the result of a noncancerous tumor in the pituitary gland, which controls hormone production. The excess GH leads to enlargement of bones and tissues, resulting in the lantern jaw, large hands, and feet commonly associated with acromegaly.

What is the amount of hormones present in gigantism?

Gigantism is typically caused by an excess of growth hormone during childhood and adolescence, leading to excessive growth of bones and tissues. The amount of growth hormone present in gigantism can be significantly higher than normal levels, often due to a pituitary tumor.

An excess of growth hormone in an adult results in?

Excess growth hormone in adults can lead to acromegaly, a condition characterized by abnormal growth of body tissues, including bones and soft tissues. Symptoms may include enlarged hands and feet, protruding jaw, thickened skin, and other complications like cardiovascular issues and joint pain. Treatment often includes medications to regulate hormone levels or surgery to remove tumors causing the excess hormone production.

What endocrine gland is responsible for gigantism?

The pituitary gland is responsible for gigantism when it produces an excess amount of growth hormone, leading to abnormal growth of bones and tissues in children and adolescents.

What is the difference between Gigantism and Acromegaly?

Gigantism is growth hormone excess prior to puberty and acromegaly is GH excess once one is a fully grown adult.Gigantism:1. If increased growth hormone occurs before puberty2. Includes excessive length of bones, coarsening of the facial bones3. Sexual development is usually slowed, mentally normal or slow4. Usually result of tumor, surgical removal, radiation, drug therapy are treatment5. Prognosis is goodAcromegaly:1. Increased in growth hormone occurs after puberty2. thickening and coarsening of bones, enlargement of lips, nose, jaw, thickening of tongue and skin.3. Shortens life expectancy and often leads to CHF4. Usually caused by tumor which may also affect vision5. Surgical resection or radiation is Treatment, but this leads to hypopituitarism and tumors tend to reoccur.

Gigantism and dwarfism are both a result of improper functioning of hormones?

Yes, gigantism and dwarfism are both caused by hormonal imbalances, specifically involving growth hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Gigantism results from an excess of growth hormone, leading to excessive growth, while dwarfism is due to a deficiency of growth hormone, resulting in stunted growth.

What are the symptoms of a pituitary gland tumor?

Excess production of growth hormone characterized by acromegaly. Possible vision impairment due to its proximity to the optic chiasm.