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Q: What is the street value of 10 mg Norco?
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What strength is a norco 3601 pain pill?

10 mg

What is the street value of norco 5 325?

Norco is 5 mg hydrcodone with 325 mg acetaminophin or Tylenol, (NOT oxycodone with Tylenol, which is Percocet). Depending on where you live and how well you know the person selling the Norco, it could go for between $2 (unlikely) to $5 per pill. Usually dealers will sell pills for less if you buy in quantity. Just one more tidbit of info, the only difference between Norco 5 mg and Vicodin 5 mg is that Norco has less Tylenol in it than Vicodin. Vicodin has 500 mg Tylenol per pill.

What is th street value for 30 mg oxycodone in nyc?

10-30 dollars

What is street value of 15 mg buspirone?

In Australia , maybe 5-$10 a pill.

Is 60 mg of morhine er equivalent to 20 mg of norco?

no. norco is hydrocodone not morphine. morphine is stronger however norco 10/325 is the strongest dose of norco. Norco is for moderate pain and morphine for moderate to severe pain. ER also means extended release where norco is not extended. Please be aware that norco has acetaminophen in it which you should never exceed 4000mg\24 hours.

What is the street value for oxycodone 10 mg?

7 bucks 5-10 in general. cheaper depending on the quanity

What is the street value for 10 325 mg oxycodone?

7 bucks 5-10 in general. cheaper depending on the quanity

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Street value of tizanidine 4 mg

How much can you get for a single pill of percocet. this for a wellness project... looking for street value...?

percocet 5 mg are $3 and 10 mg are around $6

What is hydrocondone 10mg325mg?

It is 5mg of Hydrocodone and 325mg of Acetaminophen or Tylenol. The Non Generic name is Norco. All Hydrocodone/APAP with 325mg of Acetaminophen is Norco in non generic form. Norco comes in 5mg/325mg, 7.5mg/325mg, and 10mg/325mg.

What is the street value of 15 mg codeine?

50 cents per mg

Is Norco the same as a Hydrocodone prescription?

5 mg of Hydrocodone combined with 500mg Tylenol is Vicodin. Norco contains Hydrocodone but with only 325mg Acetaminophen (aka APAP) and comes in strengths of 5 mg, 7.5 mg, and 10 mg of Hydrocodone preparations.