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Q: What is the schedule for the Harriett II?
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What schedule drug is Percocet?

Schedule II

Is lortab an opiate?

Yes - it is a derivative of morphine. It is a schedule II narcotic.

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What is the drug schedule for cocaine?

Cocaine is Schedule II in the United States.

What does it mean possess wits schedule II?

Possession with intent to sell. The "schedule II", means it was a drug in the "schedule II" category, like percocet, adderall, etc.. Drugs that can be easily abused and can cause psychological harm..

What are the groups called of illegal drugs?

hallucinogen's, stimulants and depressants Schedule I, Schedule II, Schedule III, and Schedule IV.

When did Harriett Everard die?

Harriett Everard died in 1882.

When was Harriett Everard born?

Harriett Everard was born in 1844.

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Harriett Abrams died in 1821.

Is tramadol a scheduled II medication?

Tramadol is not a schedule II medications.

How old was Harriett Tubman when she died?

Harriett Tubman was 92 when she died

Is the drug schedule II is prohibited to refill?