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There is no way of telling without a doctor's exam. A lot of things could cause it. Low blood sugar, an infection, something glandular. See a doctor and find out.

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Q: What is the reason for even in normal temperature Human body feels internal shivering cause weakness?
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How does shivering help your body control its internal temperature?

Shivering generates heat through rapid muscle contractions, which helps to increase body temperature when it drops below normal levels. This process can help the body maintain its internal temperature and prevent hypothermia in cold conditions.

Can you have the flu and have a normal body temperature?

You can be ill with a normal body temperature but if it was flu you would be sweating and shivering at the same time.

How homeostasis of body temperature is achieved in your body?

Homeostasis of body temperature is achieved through a process called thermoregulation, where the body maintains a stable internal temperature. This is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain, which receives input from temperature receptors in the skin and internal organs. When the body temperature deviates from the set point, mechanisms like sweating, shivering, and vasodilation/constriction of blood vessels are activated to bring the temperature back to a normal range.

Is 95.5 temperature low?

A temperature of 95.5 degrees Fahrenheit is considered lower than the average normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. It may indicate hypothermia or another underlying health condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider, especially if accompanied by symptoms like shivering, confusion, or weakness.

What internal temperature is safe for food?

depends on which meat? normal is 140 to 170*

What is a normal internal temperature for a human?

37 degrees C 98.6 F

What is a example of maintain homeostasis at the system level would be?

An example of maintaining homeostasis at the system level is how the human body regulates body temperature. When external temperatures change, mechanisms such as sweating or shivering kick in to help the body maintain a stable internal temperature around 98.6°F. This is essential for normal bodily functions and overall health.

Is it dangerous to have 35 degrees celsius?

A body temperature of 35 degrees Celsius is considered hypothermia and can be dangerous. It can lead to symptoms such as confusion, shivering, and weakness. It is important to seek medical attention if someone's body temperature drops to this level.

Shivering to try to raise your body temperature back to normal would be an example of?

Homeostasis.The body tries to maintain a certain body temperature to continue it's metabolic reactions.Shivering to get warm is an example of homeostasis. This is because shivering causes heat to be generated from the movement and friction. "Goose bumps" and sweat are also examples of homeostasis.

What would happen if body temperature and blood glucose fell below the normal range?

If body temperature falls below the normal range, it can lead to hypothermia, causing symptoms like shivering, confusion, and fatigue. If blood glucose falls below the normal range, it can lead to hypoglycemia, causing symptoms like dizziness, sweating, and confusion. Both conditions can be serious and require prompt medical attention.

What is cofagrigus weakness?

well its main weakness its normal type attacks.

Why is the testis located in the scrotum instead of in the abdominopelvic cavity?

Temperature regulation. Normal internal body temperature is slightly too warm for optimal sperm production.