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AZT is the least toxic. All of the combination medications have side effects. The GI symptoms are the most problematic.

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Q: What is the least toxic combination of HIV medications?
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How is HIV and AIDS treated?


How does HIV pertain to aids?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Medications can control this progression.

Do HIV antivirals reduce the rate of HIV infection?

HIV antiretrovirals are intended to help people who are already infected with the HIV virus. Some of the medications help slow down reproduction of HIV viral cells in the body. Others help boost the immune system. A person who is HIV positive will always have the potential to transmit the virus, even if they are on antiretroviral medications. However, taking the medications may make someone less infectious, which would reduce the rate of tranmission of HIV.

How effective is combination therapy for treating HIV?

Combination therapy for treating HIV is highly effective. It involves using a combination of different antiretroviral medications to target the virus in multiple ways, which can help reduce viral load, improve immune function, and prevent the development of drug resistance. This approach has significantly improved outcomes for people living with HIV and is considered the standard of care for treatment.

How is a HIV still in your body if you have been treated with medications?

Medications used to treat HIV infection are not focused on killing the virus. Viruses are very small and difficult to treat. HIV medications focus on inhibiting the virus' ability to replicate. Essentially they meds are geared at slowing down the progression of the infection, not eliminating the virus.

Best treatment for HIV positive client today?

The best treatment for HIV is to talk to your doctor and start taking medications.

Are there treatments for HIV?

There are treatments for HIV but no cures. There are a number of antiretroviral medications that prohibit viral replication and can delay the effects of HIV or its associated infections and conditions (like AIDS).

Do HIV drugs work perfectly or not at all?

Medications used to treat HIV infection have come a long way but they are far from perfect. With treatment, HIV is considered a chronic infection and not a terminal illness. However, HIV medications may have serious side effects that cause patients difficulty in day-to-day interactions. Despite adverse side effects, HIV medications are good at preventing the progression of the disease and help clients stay healthier for longer periods of time.

How effective is holistic method in curing hiv aids?

sad to say but there still is no cure for HIV/aids, only medications prescribed by a physician.

Was there Medications for HIV in the 80's?

1987 was the first year there was a medication for HIV, which was AZT or Zidovudine. The next medication did not come out until 1991.

Is HIV lethal or non lethal?

HIV is lethal. You will eventually obtain AIDS and then die from it. However, you can slow down the progressing of HIV by taking medications.

What are some reasons anti-HIV medications cannot be taken for a lifetime?

The reason why we can not take medications is because eventually we will be immune to the effect of the medications. Medications can establish immunity. There has to be either a new medication or you have to get off it for it to work.