There are no known drug interactions between certrizine (Zyrtec) and the birth control pill.
20mg is the highest dosage of Ritain (methylphenidate).
Dosage range is the typical high and low doses that are safe and effective.
An adult dose is the dosage that is safe for adults to ingest. It almost always larger than a child's dosage.
Lortab 10 is the highest dosage. I believe 3 is the lowest, then 5, then 7.5, then 10. THE LOWEST DOSE OF HYDROCODONE IS 2.5 AND THE HIGHEST IS 15....ALTHOUGH THE 10 MG DOSE IS LOTS MORE COMMON THAN THE 15 MG
This medicine is safe to take during pregnancy, but the dosage may need to be changed. Women who are pregnant should check with their physicians to make sure they are taking the proper dosage.
The maximum safe dosage for the average adult is 325mg.