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its about 40,000 times the amout it takes you to get high. that amout is not possible to smoke/consume, therefore you cannot overdose. everything has a toxicity level. so when people say you cannot od on pot, its true

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Q: What is the exact amount needed to overdose on weed?
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How much weed can you smoke to over dose?

As marijuana is not essential for life then smoking any amount is an overdose.

How much weed would you have to smoke to overdose?

You cannot overdose on weed, you'd eventually just pass out. yes you can not overdose but you can smoke yourself sober i have done it before u cant od on weed so dont try it

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Weed can not kill you it just gets you high but if you overdose on it, it will affect you in different kind of ways

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well, to be exact yess. weed is a drug. believe me id know.

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you can smoke weed and do anyother drug your not gonna overdose on weed its whatever else your taking you goto worry about but weed doesn't mix bad with anything

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your asking if an opiate is safer than weed? Codeine is a painkiller, it is possible to overdose on it. You can't die from weed. Also, codeine is physically addictive, weed is not.

How many deaths are weeed related?

The exact number of deaths directly caused by marijuana overdose is very rare, as marijuana is not typically lethal in overdose. However, marijuana use can contribute to deadly accidents or health issues, especially when combined with other substances. The impact of marijuana on mortality is generally lower compared to other substances like alcohol or opioids.

Overdose of 1 hit of weed and 1 pill of Adderall?

1 pill of adderal will not result in an overdose, but you should have a perscription. No one has ever over dosed (died) from weed. If one hit is too much then try less or don't smoke.

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smoking weed and crack than having an overdose

How much weed do you have to smoke before you od?

Unlike heroin or cocaine, you cannot overdose on marijuana.

How much does a nick of weed weigh?

A "nick" of weed typically refers to a small amount of cannabis, which can weigh around 1-2 grams. However, the exact weight can vary depending on regional differences and individual sellers.

Is vaporizers safe?

It's safer than smoking it. It reduces your chances of getting lung cancer from smoking weed. And you can't overdose on weed; it's pretty much impossible.