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Commonly used dose of Minocycline for dogs is 5 mg / kg body weight once a day. The dose is usually administered orally. Avoid any milk products and calcium 2 hours before and after the dose of Minocycline.

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Q: What is the dose for minocycline for dogs?
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What dose of minocycline is safe for dogs?

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Is minocycline as effective as doxycycline when treating Lyme disease in dogs?

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There is no difference between minocycline 100 mg and minocycline HCl 100 mg. Minocycline is the active ingredient, and the HCl (hydrochloride) just indicates the salt form of the medication.

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Can you mix Percocet and minocycline?

be very carefull i found and experiences severe sort of seizure and pannick attacks in december while taking those 2 together, google is your best friend, it's best to withdrawal of Ativan first safely if possible then start minocycline, or take a very low dose maybe of ativan

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