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They are strong analgesic painkillers. Speak to a responsible adult, preferably a teacher or health professional, NOW

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Q: What is the difference between tylex and tylox are they narcotics your sister is a 13 yr old grl who is taking 2 tylex pills a day for nothingwill she die whow can you help her you think shes suicidal?
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What is difference between homicidal hanging and suicidal hanging?

Homicidal hanging is one person hanging hanging another person; suicidal hanging is one person hanging themselves.

What is the difference between narcotic and non-narcotic?

Narcotics are pain relieving drugs that can be addictive. They may also be severely constipating.

Will narcotics delay implanon?

There are no known drug interactions between narcotics and the contraceptive implant.

What is the difference between dealer and stockist?

A dealer is often a supplier of narcotics. A stockist is a person prejudiced against stock...... Like racist, but towards stock.

What is the difference between narcotics and analgestics?

Narcotics are a specific class of drugs that have a sedative effect on the body and can cause dependence, while analgesics are a broader category of drugs that relieve pain. Analgesics can include non-narcotic options like acetaminophen or NSAIDs, in addition to narcotics like opioids.

Is Bring Me The Horizon a suicidal band?

Some people say they are, but if you actually read between the lines of their lyrics you'll find out that there's actually meaning to it. Not suicidal stuff.

How much money does a narcotics officer make?

The salary of a narcotics officer can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and agency. However, on average, a narcotics officer in the United States can make between $40,000 to $90,000 per year.

Should the suicidal person be helped by the individual who is liked by the person who wants to commit suicide so their may be peace between them?

Yes, If the persons objective is to help the suicidal person real/professional help.

What is the relationship between endorphins and narcotics such as cocaine?

The molecules lodge (or trigger) the same receptor sites in the brain.

What is the difference between a urinalysis and a blood test for prescription narcotic drugs?

A blood drug test is when a person draws blood from you and checks it for any sign that you have been drinking or using illegal drugs. A urinalysis drug test is when you urinate in a cup and a person checks it for any sign that you have been drinking or using illegal drugs.

What is difference between as on and as at?

difference between as on and as at

What is the difference between class 3 narcotics and class 2 narcotic?

A C-III narcotic prescription can be filled within 6 months and a C-II has to be refilled every month. C-II narcotics are like Percocet and oxycodone. C-III's can be called in by your doctor, but you have to go to the doctor's office every month to get a paper copy of a C=II. As far as strength goes, C-II's are stronger and more addictive.