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There's no such thing. Methadone is a synthetic opioid and is NOT made from opium (unlike morphine).

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Q: What is the conversion dose of opium to methadone?
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Related questions

Is there opium in methadone?

No there is no opium in Methadone

What are narcotic medications?

Narcotics are opium derivatives and synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of opium derived drugs, such as Demerol (meperidine) and Methadone (dolphine).

What is the mg conversion of methadone to Oxycontin?

10mg of methadone is equal to 80 mg of oxycontin

What is methadone peak and trough?

Measures the amount of methadone in your system an hour after the last dose and before the next dose. To see if the drug is at a therapeutic level

Is 80 milligrams of methadone high or low?

80 mg of methadone is the average nationally..... its not a high dose and its not a low dose its the ....... average dose. im on 55 and i am feeling great.

Can methadone be crushed?

Yes, a methadone pill may be cut if a lower dose is required.

Does plasma donation affect your methadone dose?

I want to donate plasma and was wondering whether it would affect my methadone. I am on a methadone maintenance program.

Which are narcotic drugs?

Drugs such as opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, and methadone.

Can you take milk thistle with methadone Does it reduce or increase your dose of methadone?

taking milk thistle actually slows the production of the paticular enzyme that breaks down methadone. therefore it takes your body longer to breakdown the methadone while on milk thistle, increasing the amount (dose) of methadone in your body. Im currently on both and it helps the methadone last longer while tapering.

What is the lowest dose of methadone to be on before I switch to soboxine?

Before switching to Soboxine the lowest dose of Methadone there is is 5mg. This is a natural herb for sleeping. The lowest dose would be a point two, recommend for at least a week before you switch.

Is it safe to take a 10mg methadone and a 10mg vicodin in the same day?

If 10mg methadone is an ok dose for you, then go for it my friend (:

Is methadone 15 mg a lot?

No, 5mg's is a minimal amount of methadone. Although, methadone, as a drug, is very strong and very long lasting so I do not recommend taking methadone without contacting a physician. Most people who walk onto a methadone clinic get a starting dose around 20 or 30mg's a day.