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orally (eat it) insufflate (snort it)

rectal (stick it up your pooper)

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Q: What is the best way to take Ecstasy pill?
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Will you be okay to drive if you take an ecstasy pill and drive?

i would suggest not.. unless you wana die on the way

What is the difference between LSD and ecstasy?

Speed generally refers to the impure, insufflatable (ie. you can snort or sniff it) form of the chemicals amphetamine or Methylamphetamine. Ecstasy to the chemical MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which is generally sold in the form of a pill and taken orally. All of these drugs are classed as stimulants but there effects are different.

How long does it take for an ecstasy pill to kick in I took it at 5 38 it's not 6 48 and I had a full box of Chinese food 1 hour before and drunk soda right after..?

The amount of time it takes for an ecstasy pill to kick in depends on the pill you take. Since it is not regulated, there is no way to tell how long it will take. You may not even have ecstasy because of this. It also affects different people differently. Since you ate Chinese food it may take a little longer or have a smaller effect due to other things being digested.

How can you intensify the effects of an ecstasy pill?

Consume vitamin C (orange juice is normally the best way). This, I have heard, helps to intensify the rush that xo's give you. Taking another pill could be extremely harmful to your body.

Is it safe to take ecstasy with a history of ulcers?

There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

Do people put ecstasy up there butt?

Yes, it is supposedly the best way to get high off of ecstasy.

What can i do to make ecstasy hit me fast?

Chew it brake it down the smaller the pices the faster the break down into your system. Take it and eat your body will take it in faster that way but make sure you don't eat before. This works with any pill you are trying to take.

What ithe s amount that causes an overdose for ecstasy?

The LD50 (the point at which 50% of people would die) for MDMA is estimated at about 4000mg. That being said, most ecstasy pills do not only contain MDMA. Since every pill is different, and you have no way of knowing how much of what is in each pill, there is no realistic answer for your question.

What is the best ecstasy pill you can take?

its very hard to say which pill is the best because theres no way 1 person can try them all but for me and many of my freinds it was the PiSCES or MESARATI pills the come in alot of different colors (red blue yellow white orange green purple chocolate peach) these pills are single stacked and are scarred on the back so it is be easier to split the pill in half or in fourths. Im not sure but i think these pills contain form 100mg - 125mg of mdma

How many ectasy pills is 4.5 pounds?

There's no way to truly tell because all ecstasy pills weigh a different amount. I suggest taking 1 ecstasy pill, weighing it, and then multiplying the weight until you get your answer.

How can you look up the different kinds of mdma ecstasy pills and tell which are the best?

You can't it's impossible many people add food colouring powder to pills to make them a certain colour so you can't tell by colour the only way you can tell is by getting an ecstasy testing kit off the Internet or by sending off the pill anonymously to an ecstasy testing research centre. I know that the website is synonymously linked with an ecstasy testing centre.

What is the best way to give a diabetic dog a shot?

give dog a chill pill then he will be calmed down and then you can take the shot