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There is no age restrictions on purchasing condoms. Head to your local grocery store, convenience store, Walmart etc and they will be in the pharmacy section.

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Q: What is the age restriction to by condoms?
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Were can a 12year old male buy a box of condoms?

Anywhere that sells them. There is no age restriction on condoms. Note that most local health departments will give you condoms for free.

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there is no age restriction to be a chef till you are fit and healthy, the old is always gold.

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There is no age restriction

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Age 8

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There is no age restriction

What is the legal age to buy condoms in Alabama?

There is not one, kids of any age can purchase condoms is drugstores, pharmacies, etc.

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Any age, there isn't a age restriction

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The minimum age is 35.

What is the drinking age in Malawi?

There is no age restriction

Is there a age limit for buying condoms in California?

No there is no age limit

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Is their an age restriction on xbox live?

there isn't a restriction but i suggest putting a higher age if you arent 18 so you can download anything.