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That depends on many factors including the elution solvent used, the type of TLC plate used, etc.. When using .5% of acetic acid in ethyl acetate as your elution solvent and on a plastic backed plate, the Rf-value should be around 79.82%

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Q: What is the RF value for paracetamol?
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What is the rf value of cocaine?

Rf is about .45

What is the Rf value of salicylamide?

It will depend on the solvent system you are using.

What is rf value and how is determine?

the mobility of any component in a particular solvent is referred to as its RF value. Mathematically, RF value = distance travelled by solute/ distance travelled by the solvent

What is an rf value used for?

The rf value is shorthand for the retention value of a substance. It is used in chromatography to determine the components of an unknown sample.

What is the maximum and RF value can be?

The maximum RF value that can be obtained is 1.0. This means that the substance travels the full distance of the chromatography medium being used. Any RF value greater than 1 is not physically possible.

How does saturation effect RF value?

In general, as saturation increases, the RF value decreases. This is because an increase in saturation tends to increase retention of the compound on the stationary phase, resulting in a lower RF value. Conversely, lower saturation levels may allow the compound to move more freely, leading to a higher RF value.

What is the RF value for red ink blue ink and green ink?

the Rf value value is 8.44 as the particles are lighter than the solvent

What do the Rf values indicate about the relative solubility of the pigment in the the solvent?

The Rf value indicates the ratio of the distance a pigment travels compared to the distance the solvent travels on a chromatography plate. The higher the Rf value, the more soluble the pigment is in the solvent used for the chromatography.

What is the relationship between chain length and Rf value?

As a general rule the longer the carbon chain the greater the Rf value.

What is rf value of eugenol?

The Rf value of eugenol is around 0.61-0.63, when using a suitable solvent system like ethyl acetate:benzene (7:3).

What is the RF value for aspirin using TLC?

The RF (retention factor) value for aspirin on a TLC plate is typically around 0.4-0.5. This value is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the compound by the distance traveled by the solvent front. It is a useful parameter for identifying and characterizing compounds on a TLC plate.

How do you find the rf value?

the rf value equals the distance of the component from the starting point divided by the distance of the solvent from the starting point.