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You can not be psychologically dependent on a drug. Dependence is a medical term form for a person who physically withdraws when they stop the use of a drug.

Now if you are psychologically addicted to a drug, you can find your identity being lost to a near impossible to feed hunger that only gets worse. If you feel that you are constantly in need of more, than get help immediately. The longer you wait, the worse it is.

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12y ago

Psychological dependence as against physical dependence is more of restlessness due to craving. Example is habituation to tea, coffee.

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Q: What is psychological dependence on a drug?
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What does dependence mean?

subconsciously you have a psychological dependence on something, whether it be a drug , sex, people

Is psychological dependence on a drug marked by a state of mental and physical abnormality when the drug is withdrawn?

No. Physical dependence on a drug is marked by a state of mental and physical abnormality when the drug is withdrawn.

The state of emotionally or mentally needing a drug in order to function?

Psychological Dependence

During psychological dependence a drug user feels the need to take a drug even though there is no physical need?

that is correct

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A psychological dependence is a person's belief that he or she needs a drug to feel good or to function normally. A physical dependence is a condition where a person has a physical or chemical dependence on the drug.

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Tolerance to a drug (so that higher and higher amounts are needed in order to obtain the same initial effect) and dependence - both are part of the physical addiction. Psychological addiction does not involve physical tolerance and dependence, but can be difficult to treat, unless there is motivation to kick the habit.

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IV Schedule 4

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Loperamide (Imodium) is least likely to lead to psychological dependence, as it does not cross the blood-brain barrier to affect the central nervous system. It is primarily used to treat diarrhea.

What psychological dependence does LSD produce?

LSD has very little to no chance of producing psychological dependence. Nearly all psychedelics are resistant to psychological dependence due to the nature of the experience (i.e you would be greatly aware of any compulsive or addictive behavior and would stop). LSD has in fact been used to treat other drug dependencies such as alcoholism.

What is Possession of a drug of dependence?

Having a drug dependence is an addiction.

Difference to being tolerant on a drug and dependent?

Tolerance means that an increased amount of the drug is needed to achieve the same effect as before. Dependence can be physical or psychological. Dependence is referring to a need for the drug in order to function normally. Someone that is dependent on a drug likely has a high tolerance for the drug. However, someone can have a high tolerance for the drug and not go through withdrawals or have other negative effects when the drug is not used anymore.

What is relationship between genetics and possible drug dependence?

genetics correlate with drug dependence