How do you heal a heelpain?
Answer: Ask God to help you deal with what ever the pain may be,
trust me this is the ONLY solution. ________ Well, I know that it
sound trite... but time helps a lot. Getting some distance from the
pain, and finding other things in life that can offer hope, rather
than focusing your whole being on the pain... which is the way it
is sometimes, and part of the process... but we can't let it be
that way forever. We can't let the pain, or whoever caused the
pain, to control us. WE have that power over our lives, and WE can
overcome it, with time, and faith, and patience. Sometimes, when it
is bad, escape is a good option... become absorbed in a book, or a
game, or an art project. Anything that will take your mind off it.
When it is less bad, getting some of it out through talking about
it or writing about it can help... as long as you don't obsess and
focus on it only, all the time, over and over. Try to get it out,
and let go of it as much as you can. Friends and hobbies can
help... finding fun people to hang out with, fun things to do...
but time is the biggest thing. Keep breathing, keep going... it
does get better. I promise.