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it makes the black hole in your heart go away, mostly girls are retarded. it makes the black hole in your heart go away, mostly girls are retarded. Hey, your answer is really good, and the question needed to be asked. Good job. It has been my first attempt at Noblegarden since seasonal events were introduced. It took a bit of a learning curve at the beginning, but I might say I have mastered it from knowing nothing of this event. Started yesterday in the evening, and I have completed most of the achievements already. Only two more to be done and claim my seasonal title. One step closer to that Violet Proto-Dragon Mount obtained by finishing all the achievements of each season event. You will find a commoner NPC sitting in any city giving you a quest to visit the Spring Gatherer NPC at a local town. The quest is titled: Spring Gatherers. Otherwise, you can find the Noblegarden NPCs at: HORDE: Brill (Tirisfal Glades), Razor HIll (Durotar), Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) and Falconwing Square (Silvermoon) ALLIANCE: Goldshire (Elwynn Forest), Kharanos (Dun Morough), Dolanaar (Teldrassil) and Azure Watch (Azuremyst Isle). You will be given two quests: The Great Egg Hunt and A Tisket, A Taskest, a Noblegarden Basket. All you have to do is to find purple eggs hidden around the town. When you click egg items in your inventory, a random item will be looted, destroying the egg in the process. Most of what you will loot are chocolates. These are not just good to eat and to give you a buff. No. It is also your currency to buy items off the Noblegarden Merchant. Blizzard issued new hotfixes yesterday in Ulduar, specifically for XT-002 Deconstructor and Mimiron. There were various class specific hotfixes that you would want to learn about (Priest, Rogue, Paladin, Shaman, Druid). The one that might affect raids is that Blessing of Wisdom and Mana Spring totem won't stack. You can only have one or the other at a time.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Pain killers don't actually take away pain. They alter your response to it so that you can not feel it.

Morphine has one of the best suppression life of any drug. And it's strong....duh

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10y ago

There is no pain, which can not be managed by morphine. But this drug has got very high potential for addiction. You give single shot to the normal person and he get addicted to the morphine. So the drug has to be used very judiciously. It is a drug of choice in heart attack, called as myocardial infarction by your doctor. In very severe type of pain due to other indication, you can use the drug. You can use the same in acute abdomen after you have diagnosed the condition and the written consent for the operation is obtained.

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15y ago

morphine helps minor to severe pain. it makesyou feel incredible.

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Is tramadol as good as morphine?

Yes, but always check with your doctor before taking any medications.

How do you look up what kinds of morphine there are?

i say google would be your best bet. by just typing in "types of morphine" good luck.

Is morphine a stimulant?

That's a good question. Morphine is a chemical that when used by a doctor or nurse to treat a patient, is a MEDICINE. If a person uses the chemical morphine illegally, then morphine is a DRUG. Whether morphine is a medicine or a drug depends on a person's point of view and circumstances. All can agree that it is a chemical though.

What to use if allergic to morphine?

im allergic to morphine and even tho i hydrocodone(vicodin) and the sorts metabolize into morphine in the liver i can still take it or oxycodone(percocet) also the medicine hydromophone ( dilaudid) is good for heavy pain and is what hospitals give to patients allergic to morphine.

Where was morphine originated?

Morphine is generally kept locked up in hospitals. Pharmacies do not normally carry morphine. Morphine is a controlled substance because it is derived from or emulates the same opioid source that heroin comes from.

If I am allergic to Codeine should I take morphine?

codiene will have no effect if you are taking morphine - morphine in value exceeds morphine by 1/1000

What is a good regimen for breakthrough pain using controlled release morphine equal to 100mg per day?

immediate release morphine 10mgby mouth every 4 hours as neededfor pain

Does morphine have cocaine inside?

morphine have cocaine in it

Is morphine a example of a barbiturate?

No, morphine is not a barbiturate.

Does Gabapentin contain morphine?

is gabapentin morphine

Does morphine cause rage?

Narcotics such as morphine do not cause rage, they are depressants. Of course, a morphine addict might become enraged if he or she was not able to obtain morphine. So, morphine could be an indirect cause of rage.

What has the author Eduard Levinstein written?

Eduard Levinstein has written: 'Die Morphiumsucht' -- subject(s): Morphine Dependence, Morphine abuse 'Morbid craving for morphia' -- subject(s): Morphine Dependence, Morphine abuse 'Morbid craving for morphia' -- subject(s): Morphine abuse 'Morbid craving for morphia' -- subject(s): Morphine Dependence, Morphine abuse 'Die Morphiumsucht' -- subject(s): Morphine Dependence, Morphine abuse