What is Lux soap's marketing strategy?
Subjects: Acceptance Essays Arts Custom Papers English Foreign History Miscellaneous Movies Music Novels People Politics Religion Science Sports Technology QualityResearchMaterial! hll Value proposition Market segment Value chain structure Revenue generation & margins Position in value network Competitive strategy Nirma A low cost branded detergent offering high value for money People who want to wash clothes Raw materials from local suppliers.All non-core functions were contracted. Minimum overhead costs.Low cost of labor.Cheaper polythene packaging. Low margin. High volume. A branded detergent competing against all (un)branded soaps and detergents. Cost Focus HLL High quality branded safe detergent. People who are willing to pay a premium for the higher quality High tech plant.Multi layered distribution network. Higher cost of labour.Higher packaging cost. Higher margin. A branded product, which faces competition from quality detergent producers. Differentiation Elements of competitive strategy: Nirma Defining business arena and competitive terrain: HLL was in the business of selling high quality branded detergents to middle and high income group customers who wanted quality and were willing to pay premium for it. HLL served India's small elite who could afford to buy MNC products. Nirma Ltd., began offering detergent products for p . . . View the whole essay, without interruption Nirma's Competitive advantage Low Cost Product The product's cost was so low that its price automatically comes down. Deep Pockets HLL has very deep pockets. Strategies adopted by HLL to overcome of P&G Launch of Surf Excel HLL compressed its conventional method of product development and launched its new product in 4 months instead of 2 years. Distribution Network HLL has a very good distribution network catering to every nook and corner of the Country. Advertising: Change in advertising campaign showing the product's value in terms of 'quality and price'. Price: Discounts were offered to reduce price. They targeted only the premium segment. Price · As the operation cost of Nirma was very low, the price was also low. Distribution Network · Nirma followed a 3-tier distribution system compared to HLL's 4-tier distribution system, thus keeping its cost structure low. Ø To get rid of export commitment under FERA and to tackle labor problems, the marketing and distribution activity were given to a subsidiary unit called Stepan Chemicals. Strategies adopted by HLL to overcome the threats of Nirma were Changes in Marketing Strategy of Surf Packaging: Offering Surf in polybags than the more expensive cartons. Global Access HLL has global access of technology through its parent company Unilever. The Relaunch of Sunlight · Sunlight was relaunched at a much lower cost as its volume was dropping under attacks from lower cost producers. Loyal Distributors Nirma distributors displayed intense loyalty to Patel. It changed its cost structure so that it could afford to come up with a lower priced product which would still be better than Nirma. General Information (Data Analysis) Urban India: From 2001-02 to 2006-07, the market size is expected to grow at 2.68% p.a. from 297Mn to 339Mn population. In the period, very rich segment is growing at 15.9% p.a. from 11Mn to 23Mn (in population) which grew at 14.04% p.a. from 5Mn to 11Mn where as the consuming class has grown at 8.29% p.a. in Ist phase and is expected to grow at 8.92% p.a. till 2006-07. The other three segments in Urban India are showing negative growth. After taking 5% p.a. inflation into account, very rich segment earning would be 3.7Lacs and above and consuming class would be earning from 77K to 3.7Lacs. Rural India: From 2001-02 to 2006-07, the rural India's market size is expected to grow at 1.64% p.a. from 744Mn to 807Mn population. Here the very rich segment is expected to grow at 11.84% p.a. from 2001-02 to 2006-07 which grew at 12.25%. There is extraordinary grow is seen in the coming years in the consuming class. The consuming class that grew at 3.79% p.a. from 1995-96 to 2001-02 and is expected to grow at 11.93% p.a. from 2001-02 to 2006-07. The growth p.a. in the climber segments is dropping down to 3.6% p.a. in the second phase which grew at 7.37% p.a. in the first phase. In the aspirants and destitutes, the growth rate is negative. Class 1995-1996 2001-02 2006-07 Very Rich 215000+ 274404.5+ 367723.1+ Consuming Class 45,000 - 215000 57433.5 - 274404.5 76965.3 - 367723.1 Climbers 22,000 - 45000 28078.6 - 57433.5 37627.48 - 76965.3 Aspirants 16,000 - 22000 20420.8 - 28078.6 27365.44 - 37627.48 Destitutes