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Q: What is in soboxin?
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Do people get high on soboxin?

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When should you take soboxin?

how do you cunsoom suboxen

What does soboxin look like?

light orange stop sign

Can you use heroin when you take a 4mg of soboxin without getting sick?

Depends how you react to it - talk to your GP

How long does soboxin stay in your system?

From what i understand, my Dr. has informed me that soboxin can stay in a persons system up to ten days depending on the dosage a person takes and how long you have been taking it. I have personally been on soboxin since July 2008. Dosage varies from person to person. My original opiate was methadone and percocet for several months. Soboxin has totally helped be opiate free. In the next few months I would like to get off soboxin also because it is costly if you dont have insurance. Also, it is an opiate base drug, used for chronic useres of opiates. Sincerely, Helene Brooks

Soboxin does it show in drug test?

Assuming you are talking about Suboxone- is a semi-synthetic opioid and may cause a positive result for opiates.

Will you get withdrawal symptoms from taking suboxone one time?

If you're asking if you get withdrawal from the sub itself, you wont. soboxin (not sure of the correct spelling) relieves your withdrawal symptoms from narcotic drugs.

Do you have to test positive for opiates to get on soboxin?

the answer is yes. t fount that one answered several times. I am currently trying to get my mom some help and she is having a rough time. The suboxin film strips are the way to go. Good luck

Does soboxin help pain?

Yes it definitley does. I took suboxen for almost 3 years but resently went through detox and got myself off of them. After 45 days clean and all the withdrawls behind me I had alot of muscle soreness after a really hard few days of work. I took a half of a suboxen and it definatley went away. however as a former herion addict i strongly recommend Tylenol for your pain, if you don't already have an opiate addiction you'd be crazy to start taking something like suboxen.

If you take soboxin in the am can you take a xanax that night?

SUBOXONE is a partial opiate agonist, which means it has a ceiling effect as to how high it can get you, where as methadone is full agonist. Taking xanax with any type of opiate is dangerous especially if you don't have a tolerance with both or even just one of the two. Even if you have a tolerance it is dangerous. I have had too many close friends die from this. I am on suboxone my doctor subscribes me to take 16mg. a day. I have spoke with him about the use of any benzos ie xanax and he told me he has seen some patients die or OD from the use. On the webpage from the makers of suboxone they say it is extremely dangerous. I tried it in a low point going back to my junkie mentality to catch a nod. I took a 0.5 pill of xanax in the morning. then another 4 hours later. (I don't have a tolerance to xanax) It made me nod a little, not like herion or dilaudid but it did seem like I was high, kinda of like a vicoden buzz. When I took the second one the effects were more noticable. THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS but I didn't die but you might everyone is different. As for taking it at night, that wouldn't make a difference because buphrenephrine the partial opiate in suboxone is active for up to 72 hours, so it would have the same effect on you if you were to take it in the morning right after your sub dissovles under your tongue. BE CAREFUL DYING ISNT WORTH A HIGH. -----Ex-JuNkIe---