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Q: What is dysphasia also called?
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Transcortical dysphasia

What is transcortical dysphasia also called?

It is also known as isolation syndrome

What is another word for Anomic dysphasia?

Anomic dysphasia is also referred to as amnesic dysphasia

What is another name for Expressive dysphasia?

Another name for expressive dysphasia is Broca's aphasia. This condition affects a person's ability to produce language, resulting in difficulty with forming coherent sentences and expressing thoughts verbally.

What is the most common form ofexpressive dysphasia?

Broca's dysphasia is the most common type of expressive dysphasia

What is another name for motor dysphasia?

Expressive dysphasia

What is another word for amnesic dysphasia?

Anomic dysphasia

Do strokes cause dysphasia?

Stroke is the most common cause for dysphasia