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The biggest difference is their potency - Demerol is a DEA Schedule 2 controlled substance, while Vicodin (Hydrocodone) is a Schedule 3 drug. Demerol (generic name Meperidine), being a Schedule 2 drug, is more tighty regulated - you cannot get refills, and each fill must be obtained with a new prescription each time. Also, many doctors don't like to prescribe Demerol because it's been associated with potential seizures. Personally I think it's that they're too chicken - I've used it for years with no problem.

Vicodin, being a Schedule 3 drug, can have refills on one prescription and isn't as tightly regulated, and is more often prescribed for most acute pain patients.

Pharmacologically, they're both morphine derivatives, though Demerol is a lot stronger. It's also more often given as an injectable or through an IV stream when a person is in the hospital.

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Methadone is the stronger of the 2; Methadone is a Schedule II opiate, where Vicodin is only a Schedule III.

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10y ago

It depends on the strength of the Norco. the common yellow Norcos are 10mg hydrocodone and 325mg acetaminophen. Vicodin ES is 7.5mg hydrocodone and 750mg of acetaminophen.

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Q: What is difference between Demerol and Vicodin?
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WHAT IS THE DIRRERENCE BETWEEN Demerol and hydrocodone?

hydrocodone aka. sumtin like vicodin is more of a painkiller then anything and makes u calm. Demerol is like morphine. its a muscle relaxer/anti depressant and a pain killer.vicodin is the ultimate for pain killing but if u wanna feel real good demerol is my choice

Will Demerol show up like vicodin ina drug screen?

Yes, Hydrocodone and Demerol are both opiates and will show up as "Opiate" on a drug screen.

Can Demerol be snorted or smoked?

it can be snorted, smoked, or shot up. You can even shoot up Vicodin and Hydrocodone.

What is the difference between marijuana and vicodin on your body?

The difference between marijuana and vicodin on your body is, Marijuana is not as addicting as vicodin. Vicodin attacks your liver after a long time of taking them and you can also overdose while marijuana will effect some of your brain cells and make your lips darker.. lol honestly there is no comparing marijuana to vicodin. so if you are smoking marijuana, continue that rather then switching to Vicodin. Thank you- Ms. Watson

Is Dilaudid stronger than Vicodin?

Demerol is very strong but it is better used for short-term pain relief. Vicodin is supposed to be for long-term pain relief like every 6 hours or so. If you want instantaneous pain relief, go for Demerol. If you want Vicodin, it might take an hour or so to kick in, which really sucks sometimes

Is Demerol more powerful than vicodin?

Demerol (meperidine) is generally considered more potent than Vicodin (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) when comparing their strength as opioid medications. However, individual responses to these drugs can vary, so it's important to follow the prescribed dosage and consult with your healthcare provider for specific guidance.

What is the difference between Hydrocodone-APAP and Vicodin?

Hydrocodone/APAP is the a preparation of Vicodin containing 5mg/500mg of Hydrocodone/APAP.