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I take 10mg, twice a day. The effect average is 4 hours. The half-life is 8 hours. So it's wise to not take any at least 8 hours before you plan on sleeping.

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Q: What is de half life of dextroamphetamine?
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Can Vyvanse show up as dextroamphetamine in a drug test?

Yes; Vyvanse is a prodrug for dextroamphetamine. Vyvanse contains a bonded chemical containing dextroamphetamine and l-lysine.

Is amphetamine salts the same as Adderall?

Dexamphetamine is short for Dextroamphetamine. The prefix "dextro" just defines the 3D configuration of the amphetamine molecule. Adderall is made of 50% dextroamphetamine salts. The other half of Adderall is whats called "racemic" amphetamine salts, which is 1/2 dextroamphetamine (the other 1/2 is called "levoemphetamine"). So, since 1/2 of the racemic half is actually dextroamphetamine, Adderall is composed of about 75% dextroamphetamine salts.

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No, only Half-Life and Half-Life: Decay.

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The time it takes for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive element to decay is called the half life.

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Antibiotics do not have a half life.

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You say 'I've missed Half my life' which is short for : "I have missed half my life'

What is the term given to the time it take for one half of a sample of radioactive nuclei to decay?

The term is called half-life. It is the time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay.