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Q: What is considered to be a small dose of Creatine?
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What are creatine?

Creatine occurs in the vertebrates and is considered a nitrogenous organic acid.

How is creatine taken?

Dosage of creatine usually consists of a loading dose of 10-30 g a day (divided into several doses) for four to six days, followed by a maintenance dose of 2-5 g a day.

What is daily dose for taking creatine?

Creatinine is the break down product of creatinine phosphate from the muscles. There is no daily dose as it is not taken as medicine

Dose creatine make your arms bigger and not stronger or both?

It makes you bigger and stronger for me at least it did.

What is a creatine monohydrate?

Creatine monohydrate is a supplement used by many athletes. It is used to increase strength, energy and lean muscle mass. Creatine is natural and found in many animals that you are able to eat, although it is a very small amount. A good source of information for Creatine monohydrate can be found at

What is the chemical formula of creatine kinase?

The chemical formula of creatine kinase is C208H332N65O104P.

Dose creatine useful for fat body or no and how please?

I am 22 years old every day I joint a sport club ever day I am hard excerceing for more than 2 hours stil I fat so Ias k you about usage of creatine.

What vitamins have creatine?

Vitamins are totally different things to creatine. Good sources for creatine are fish and red meat. If you are willing you can also look into supplementing creatine. Creatine monohydrate is the most proven type of creatine supplement.

Do eggs have creatine?

It's been recognized that eggs contain around 5-6 grams of protein. The main roles of protein are the repair and preservation of all muscles of the body. Creatine or creatine phosphate is deposited within the powers of the body in small quantities. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is transformed by the muscles into energy.Click here

Creatine derived from?

how creatine supplements are manufactured

What enzyme catalyzes the reaction that creates creatine phosphate?

The enzyme creatine kinase catalyzes the reaction that creates creatine phosphate. This reaction involves transferring a phosphate group from ATP to creatine, forming creatine phosphate and ADP. Creatine phosphate serves as a short-term energy reservoir in muscle cells.

What is Creatine Ethyl Ester?

Creatine Ethyl Ester is a newer, slightly more expensive form of the popular supplement creatine. Creatine is most commonly sold in the form of creatine monohydrate. Creatine ethyl ester is, essentially, a modified form of creatine monohydrate that has been "esterified." This means that an ethyl ester compound has been attached to the creatine, which theoretically makes it more efficiently absorbed by the body.