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Q: What is ability of a system to stay the same even though conditions around it may be changing is known as what?
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What characteristic of life would maintaing this balance be?

Maintaining balance is a characteristic of homeostasis, which is the ability of an organism or system to regulate and maintain stable internal conditions despite external changes. This balance allows for optimal functioning and survival in a changing environment.

What does stressing an equilibrium system mean how is stress applied?

Stressing an equilibrium system involves changing the conditions of the system to disturb the equilibrium. This can be done by changing the temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants/products. Stress can be applied by adding or removing reactants/products or changing the temperature or pressure of the system.

What is the definition of variable speed?

Variable speed refers to the ability of a system or device to operate at different speeds based on changing conditions or requirements. This feature allows for greater control, efficiency, and flexibility in various applications where speed adjustment is needed.

How many planets do people live on?

In our solar system, exactly one ( 1 ). Hundreds of planets have been identified in orbit around other stars, but we don't have the ability yet to observe what the conditions may be like on their surfaces.

What are the advantages of using SIMULINK tools?

One of the main advantages of Simulink is the ability to model a nonlinear system, which a transfer function is unable to do. Another advantage of Simulink is the ability to take on initial conditions.

Features of floating exchange rate?

In a floating exchange rate system, the rates keep on changing according to the economic conditions. The rates of the currencies are never fixed.

A region has high pressure system and then a low pressure system moves in what is the best prediction about the weather from this information?

the answer is A.) clear

Why is the biospere dynamic?

The biosphere is dynamic because living organisms within it interact with each other and their environment in complex ways. These interactions lead to changes in populations, ecosystems, and environmental conditions over time, creating a constantly changing and evolving system.

What are the 2 conditions for snowfall?

The two conditions for snowfall are:- 1) temperature should be hovering around 0 degrees or less and 2) Low pressure system has to form for precipitation to happen.

When a person is unconscious which body system is responsible for that condition?

The central nervous system is responsible when a person is unconscious. It can be due to various reasons, such as trauma, medical conditions, or drug/alcohol intoxication affecting the brain's ability to function properly.

What is the vocabulary word for the meaning to keep conditions in the body?

Homeostasis:The ability of a system or living organism to adjust its internal environment to maintain a stable equilibrium; such as the ability of warm-blooded animals to maintain a constant temperature; Such a dynamic equilibrium or balance