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Some over the counter meds for nausea can include Diovol, Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer or Zantac.

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Q: What is a pill you can take if you feel as though you are going to throw up?
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Can you feel dizzy after going off the pill?

you can get really nauseas. it happend to me

Is there a pill you can take for vagina dryness?

No there is no pill for vaginal dryness but there are lots of lubricants you can get over the counter that can help you take care of it. If you feel it is too much though, better see a your GYNA for better advice.

What happens if you throw up after taking the pill 4 hours ago?

If you took the pill four hours ago the pill should be already dissolved in your system. However if you did throw up the pill, then it wouldn't be in your system, if this is your first pill missed of the month you will be fine. Just don't miss anymore pills for the remander of the pak.

How do you feel better when you feel nasea?

You take a pill and if you dont what to take a pill then put a hot pack on your belly

How do you get a pill out of the windpipe?

If you swallow a pill and it accidentally passes into the windpipe, it will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable. You can get the pill out by coughing it up.

How does chantix make you feel?

Made me feel like crap. The best way I can describe it is...I would take a pill and be fine. 30 minutes later I turned into Eeyore from Winnie the pooh. All sad and depressed. Also made me throw up. But it did help me quit.

When do the side effect start showing right after taking the pill or days after?

Usually within a few days to a week, if you are going to feel side effects you will know it.

What if you throw up five minutes after taking the birth control pill?

If you throw up that quickly after taking the birth control pill, it won't be absorbed and won't be effective.No it would need to be taken again if you threw up right after taking it. The good news is you are not likely to get pregnant from missing one pill.

Is it ok to start your period a day after you quit the pill?

Yes, because a lot of times when you miss a pill, even by a few hours, you could start your period. It's nothing to worry about. You went off the pill, so your body is going to react the same as if you had missed a pill. But if you feel like something is really wrong, or different, then contact your doctor.

How do Blue extasy pill makes you feel?

makes you feel like your on meth

If you have a first day start pill spot a for a day start your period and then it disappears only to have it start again a week later do you have to throw away your pill pack and start over?

If you just started taking the pill recently, breakthrough bleeding which is bleeding during the weeks that you are on active birth control, is normal. Do not stop taking the pill, keep going, this is normal and should clear up within 3 cycles.

Can you still feel sick 2 weeks after taking the pill?

yes you can took the moring after pill two weeks ago and still feel so sick