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A diluted urine drug test is one where the sample was diluted. It happens in two ways--you drank too much water to make yourself pee (DOT's standard says drink no more than 40 ounces of water), or you put water in your sample after you peed it out.

A negative diluted test says "no drugs in this sample passed the test thresholds, but it was diluted so there MIGHT be drugs in here." Basically, a diluted negative is a test failure.

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It's considered a fail: there's a test that checks the specific gravity of your urine. There's an "expected" range of S.G.'s, and if your sample's too low they think you're trying to cheat the test.

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Can diluted urine give a false negative?

If you deliver a diluted sample, they'll flunk you just for the dilution.

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Why does urine have to be diluted so heavily for a Jaffe's reaction test?

Diluting urine for a Jaffe's reaction test helps to minimize interference from other substances in urine that may give false-positive or false-negative results. The dilution helps to ensure that the color change observed in the reaction is due specifically to the creatinine concentration in the sample.

Can diluted urine cause a violation of probation?

Diluted urine can cause a violation of probation. Diluted urine indicates that the urine has been tampered with to alter test results.

Can you combine a clean donors urine with your own diluted sample to pass a drug screen?

only if you are stupid enought to do that and risk jail

How can you prevent getting a diluted on a urine test?

To prevent a diluted urine sample during a drug test, avoid excessive fluid intake before the test, as this can lower the concentration of drug metabolites in your urine. Follow any instructions provided by the testing facility on when and how much to drink before the test.

Why is Red dye put in toilet during urine collection?

Red dye is often used during urine collection to help identify if the urine sample has been tampered with or diluted. If someone tries to alter their urine sample by adding water or another substance, the dye will change color and indicate that the sample is not genuine. This is commonly used in drug testing scenarios to ensure the accuracy of results.

What does cultures are negative mean in a urine sample?

It means theres nothing in your pee like drugs.

can they detect from a urine sample if you are taking roxicodone and can anti depressent make the roxicodone undetectable in your urine also what other reasons can there be for not having roxicodone appear in a urine test. Mine did not show any roxicodon?

It is possible to detect the presence of roxicodone in a urine sample through drug testing. Antidepressants typically do not interfere with the detection of roxicodone in urine tests. Other reasons for roxicodone not appearing in a urine test could include the timing of the test, individual metabolism variations, diluted urine sample, or equipment errors during testing.

Can a lab read a diluted sample?

no i have personally done this every time i have taken a test and passed. but you can get in trouble for having a diluted sample.

Is it bad to drink lots of water the day of a urine test?

It's not necessarily bad to drink lots of water before a urine test but it could make you have to reschedule your appointment. The more water you drink the more diluted your urine is going to be. If your urine is to diluted they will make you come back after a day or two.