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I'm not sure, but never trust something you see on WikiAnswers to answer that question for you. Taking a pill that you're not sure of could be dangerous.

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Q: What is a little white shaped heart pill without markings?
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How common are heart shaped markings on dalmatians?

They are very common, it's just a marking that looks pretty for certain people.

Does Naruto wear boxers?

Yes, in a few episodes he has his heart boxers on. (Boxers with little heart shaped designs)

When was Heart-Shaped Scar created?

Heart-Shaped Scar was created in 2001.

When was The Heart Shaped Sea created?

The Heart Shaped Sea was created in 1992.

What does the horses heart do?

A horses heart does the same thing that it does for us. It flows blood through the body and keeps your body going. However a heart is not shaped like a heart. It is a little heart shaped but it is very,very bloody so you can't tell. It beats rather hard when you hold it in your hand, but you can't feel it very well on the outside of your body. That is what the heart does for horses.

When was Heart-Shaped Box created?

Heart-Shaped Box was created in 1993-02.

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The philodendron family has heart shaped leaves.

Do women like to get heart shaped boxes or square boxes?

Heart shaped, it shows you love them.

What is the simple subject in the sentence 'Heart-shaped cards are exchanged in modern times'?

Heart shaped

The human heart is shaped like a?

the human heart is shaped like a upside down pear

When was Heart-Shaped Box - novel - created?

"Heart-Shaped Box" by Joe Hill was published in 2007.

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Heart-Shaped Glasses - When the Heart Guides the Hand - was created on 2007-04-17.