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105 mgs per day is the average dose.


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10y ago

The LD50 for orally taking oxycodone is 482mg/kg (mouse). The LD50 for intraperitoneal injection (or IP) dosage is 250mg/kg (mouse).

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16y ago

greater than 200 ng/mL.

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Q: What is the toxic dose of oxycodone?
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Is 5 mgs of oxycodone a large or small dose?

Small dose. oxycodone goes up to 10mg

What is a toxic dose?

When you are givin to high a dose of medicine or a drug it can be Toxic or deadly.

When a person smoke oxycodone pill what happen?

over dose and die

Is oxycodone deadly?

At a normally prescribed dose oxycodone is safe and effective. If a large amount is taken, however, oxycodone, like all opiates, will cause respiratory depression and can cause respiratory arrest and death.

What does ng ml oxycodone equals oral dose mg?

Apparently you've already had enough.

What is the maximum daily dose for oxycodone without acetaminophen?

The largest pill size for oxycodone is 80mg, so I'd guess about that much. But it really depends on how much your body reacts to opiates.

Does oxycodone give you involuntary body movements?

yes it dose i am taking oxy, after 8 month of abuse i fell involuntary body movements but it come after 8 hours of last dose and when you take your dose it will gone.

What will happen if you take oxycodone after the shelf life of 3 years expires?

Pharmaceutical drugs "generally" become weaker but not toxic.

Is Hardwood smoke toxic?

To a varying degree, all smoke is toxic to humans, but not enough that you can't sit around a campfire and get a dose of it now and then.

Why should lithium be closely monitored in bipolar disorder?

Often the therapeutic dose is very close to the toxic dose.

Can percocet and oxy codone contain 6mam?

Dose oxycodone matablize in system as 6mam

Will 300 mg of oxycodone 8mg of xanax 60mg of remeron and 250mg of ambien kill you?

Yes, if the patient is not tolerant to such a high dose of oxycodone, especially if taken with xanax, it could cause respiratory depression and essentially suffocate the patient.